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Congratulations to the "Donkey Kongs"
Winner of the 2017 Donkey Basketball Fundraising Tournament


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Press Release

NOD gives a special thanks and a “tip of the hat” to EVERYONE who helped make DONKEY BASKETBALL a rousing success!


To Fremont County School District #2 for the use of the facility and for the support of Chris Riker and Robin Damveld

To our Sponsors:  Candy Good and Shot Crete Construction

To the fiery Team Captains and their gutsy Riders from DTE, FCSD2 Teachers and Students, SOAR, and the Forest Service 

To our exceptional Announcer:  Joe Brandl

To our harmonious Scoreboard Operator and National Anthem Player Extraordinaire:  Kyle Miller along with his support staff of Jeda Lise Higgs and Peggy Miller

To the fabulous Pooper Scooper Clowns:  Garrett Jungck, Aaron Mountain, and Robert Claar, with the support of Carl Jungck

To the terrific Ticket Takers:  Verna Boller, Deb Robinett, Cathy Loseke

To our Donkey Handling Helpers:  Donn Loseke and Jon Robinett

To our Donkey Hydration Specialists:  Jay Slagowski, John Ellington, and Jesse Harrand

To the chocolate Donkey Pop creator and seller:  Amy Jochen of Windy Mountain Chocolates

To our NOD photographer:  Deb Robinett

To our Security Guard:  Aaron Chileski

To our spotless Cleaning Crew:  Carl and Garrett Jungck, Aaron Mountain, Robert Claar, Verna Boller, Deb and Jon Robinett, Cathy and Donn  Loseke, Aaron Chileski, Chevelle Matt, and Amy Jochen

To the Dubois Frontier, CyberCafe, VFW Roundup, and KTAK for their continuing coverage

To Marylou Banks, Deb Robinett, Amy Jochen and Tony Melita for working behind the scenes to ensure advertising was completed, teams were formed, and advanced tickets were sold

To the owners, donkeys, and handlers of Donkey Sports, Inc. & their easy-to-use fundraiser packet


THANKS TO OUR WONDERFUL AUDIENCE AND THOSE WHO SUPPORT NOD in so many ways; you allow us to continue our mission of “neighbors helping neighbors!”

We thoroughly enjoyed the 'ride' and hope you all did, too!

© 2020 by Needs of Dubois

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