Coming from a very large population state to one of the smallest was a real awakening for me. Living in a town of a little over 1,000 and of course more in outlying areas is a true blessing. People are in need everywhere you go today but you don't always see this until you are in a wonderful group such as NOD and in a small town such as Dubois. The heartbreaking stories of people in your community in desperate need of assistance. What a true blessing and unbelievable rewarding feeling it is to be able to help them. They are deeply grateful and often tearful that people care enough to help them through rough times and never ask anything in return. NOD has effected many lives in a very positive way and would love for your to join our small group with your time and experience the warmth of giving with us.
Thank you and Pay It Forward,
Sally Jardine,
NOD Founder
Special thanks to Sally for all her efforts over the past several years! We are praying for your continued recovery from your illness.
Marylou Banks - President
Deb Robinett- Vice President
Verna Boller- Secretary
Cathy Loseke - Treasurer